First and foremost, all of us here at the Ford Performance Centre hope that you and your loved ones have been staying safe during these times.
As you may be aware, the NHL has selected Toronto and Edmonton as hub cities for their Return to Play plan. Our facility is included amongst those that are being utilized by the league.
We wanted to provide an update to help avoid confusion. Our building is still closed to any public access at this time and until at least October 2020. The date of our re-opening has yet to be determined.
Please note that although there will be activity in our arena it is considered to be rented privately and therefore inaccessible to the general public.
At this time, we are unable to confirm any future booking requests, drop-in program offerings, or facility commitments. When we are in a position to have those discussions, we will share the applicable communications.
We continue to follow City of Toronto guidelines and protocols in relation to COVID-19.
Stay up to date:
As always, we appreciate your cooperation and look forward to seeing you around the rink in the near future.
Thank you,
The Ford Performance Centre Team